
the weather sucks

even it was raining a lot and the weather was grey and boring, we HAD TO make some pictures in the weekend, cause it's a long time ago we did! eventually we ended up under a brigde, so we were dry. aaaah i hate holland !!
tomorrow i'm going to get my pictures wich i made with my analogue camera, so i hope they're pretty, cause i can show you them! ooooh and sunday i'm going to book for paris! ooooh my god i'm so exited, i missed paris !
and about the pictures, the effect is applicable with the boring weather with the grey, haha i founded it out later!

x brie and char (me)

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Eerste foto is echt leuk :)
    En dankje, ik gebruik een Nikon D40 en de 50 mm f/1.8 lens :)

  2. They are realy comfortable! And the weather sucks, I hate november.

  3. Mooie fotos hoor ondanks dat weer! Het geeft zelfs een extra leuke sfeer aan de fotos... Jullie blog is super leuk, zo'n mooie outfits! Zijn jullie eigenlijk zussen? Liefs

  4. char, you could be a model
    die broek staat je geweldig

  5. wauuw geweldige foto's (:

